Brodie is lovingly known as our "foster flunky." Last year this three year old boy was suddenly returned to rescue when his new family could not keep him. We received a panicked phone call from the rescuer saying Brodie needed foster care for a weekend while she attended a family event. Since our last Westie had passed away several months before and our house was en route to the event, we were an obvious choice. Brodie announced his arrival with the bark of a German shepherd and a coat so overgrown that we had to look twice to find the Westie! We promised to enjoy him for the weekend and get him groomed so he would be ready for another placement. We were not yet considering getting another Westie since we were still grieving the loss of our last one. But, by the time Sunday evening came, we had gotten to know this very smart, easygoing dog. We agonized over the decision to open our hearts again but every day we are now glad we did. That foster boy has become a wonderful addition to our family.
“Flynn (originally Bob) came to us, the Miller Family, three years ago. We were a little nervous because our girl westie, Lady Perry, had been an only dog for 5 years. But we soon found out that Flynn was the missing piece of our family. He is the sweetest, kindest pup we could ever hope to be blessed with! And keeps Perry on her toes! Thanks to the lovely people of the Westie Rescue, we found the love of our lives.” – Arron and Paula Miller
Baillie was rescued from a puppy mill in Ohio. He was four years old and had spent his entire life in a wire cage. His paws were splayed from standing on the wire grid. He had never been on grass, let alone been shown any affection. With true Westie spirit, Baillie quickly became acclimated to his new life. He played with toys and other dogs and soon loved running in the back yard! Because of his unique background, finding the right home for Baillie was extremely important. After several tries, Westie Rescue found the right match. Baillie is now living very happily in Albany, NY with a retired, widowed professor who needed a special companion. Another success story!
“We adopted Lucy, with the help of dear Tina from your group, over three years ago! We've had Westies before...all rescues....and while I loved them all, Lucy has taken first place in my heart! She has been my loving and constant companion, although at times she's a ‘daddy's girl’! Who me, jealous?” – Cynthia Wood
Westie Rescue was notified by the Animal Rescue League that a Westie had been surrendered to the shelter. He had never been vaccinated, had worms and his hair was completely shorn. Winston was on the list to be euthanized so Westie Rescue acted quickly. Poor Winston was scared and didn't know what was happening to him. He was a good boy from the start.... docile, friendly and in need of TLC. Luck was on Winston's side.... the Bastos family was looking for a dog, especially a Westie. In a matter of days, Winston was saved from the shelter and in a loving home with three little girls who adored him. From the Bastos Family: "Winston is doing very well. He is such a wonderful, sweet dog. We just can't imagine that someone else was willing to give him up, but we're awfully glad they did so that he could become a part of our family! When he first came home, our youngest would wake up every morning and ask, "Where's my doggie?" After a few days, it changed to "I love having a dog at our house!" "We are so grateful for the work that Westie Rescue is doing on behalf of dogs like Winston and feel so lucky that everything worked out the way it did! Thank you so much!"
Eddie was originally named Wesley. He had a lot of health issues, particularly with his skin.... it was red and raw. After spending a lot of money on him, his first owners decided to surrender him to Westie Rescue. Eddie was fostered for a short time when we found Carmen and Leslie who wanted a Westie. They fell in love with him immediately and took him home. The name change came about because Carmen would call "Wesley!" and Leslie would say "what?" So he became Eddie "Spaghetti." Eddie's skin issues have greatly improved. He has been going to a holistic vet and is on a new diet which is helping him. He is living very happily in Shadyside with his new people.
Crosby was named for Sid the Kid of the Pittsburgh Penguins by his original family. He was a gift as a puppy for three young children and a new baby on the way. With such a busy household, Crosby was never properly trained and became too possessive of his people. He would nip at other children which was a problem, so with great reluctance, the family surrendered him to Westie Rescue. Crosby was quickly adopted, but still hadn't been taught his manners and nipped another child. So he returned to his foster home and was evaluated by a professional dog trainer. With a lot of attention and hard work, Crosby has come a long way in learning his manners and how to appropriately interact with other humans and dogs. With his innate Westie charm and good looks, he soon worked his way into the heart of his foster home. Crosby adopted his new family and now is happily living with his two big sisters, MacDougall (Westie) and Brodie (Scottie).
“We rescued a westie 20 years ago. We lost him this past April, he was 20 Years old. When we got him, his coat wasn't nice, he was very thin. He was being fed Gainesburgers. With a much better diet and regular grooming, he became a very handsome little dog. He was very intelligent and quickly became my best buddy. We miss him so much. But have to say that adopting Oliver was one of the best things we ever did. Wouldn't mind having another like him. PS: He was Westie Rescue of W PA's. first rescue. Thank you!” – Susan Kuzma